Electric Gynecological Operating Table Made in China
Model: QZ-GT-4
Technology Specifications:
·The size of the table:1850 (±20) * 600 (±20) mm;
·Table height: minimum: 680 (±20) ---maximum: 920 (±20) mm (electric);
·The forward inclination of the bed: ≤ 25° backward inclination: ≤ 20° (electric);
·back plate upward folding: ≤ 65° downward folding: ≤ 15° (electric);
·Power supply:220V 50Hz;
·Rated load-beatin
Product Characteristics:
Operating table is really practical endow corcealed movable , back forth bending good for the doctor to do a surgery with micro motor , 304 stainless steel and can up and down lifting back board patients can be passed on all forms, recommended for gynecological examination DST IVA stability and strong it ensures the comfort of the patient for his operation : Use for gynecological examination, low noise stability and strong.